Project Manager


Mechanic / SupervisorEngineerProject Manager
Food (production area; fruit trade companies, meat processing industry, bread industry)YesYesYes
Recycling and recovery (offices and production area)YesYes
The petro chemistry (offices, production area)YesYesYes
On & offshore (living quarter & production area)YesYesYes
Utility (factory, production area, datacenter, children’s day-care centre, school, offices, houses, effluent installations, data centre)YesYesYes
Machine construction (food, production area, industry)Yes
Ship buildingYesYes
Infrastructure; electrical till 13,5 KV, gas till 8 Bar)YesYes


Electrical cabinet construction YesYes
Distribution boxYesYesYes
Electrical lighting and electrical power installationYesYesYes
Fire Detection Alarm SystemsYesYesYes
Voice evacuation systemYesYesYes
Burglary systemYesYes
Access control systemYesYes
UTP and fiber optic data network systemsYes
Electrical installation of refrigeration equipment, air handling units, boiler houses, industrial plants, building of control panels, etc.YesYesYes
Machinery Safety (CMSE®)YesYes
Infrastructure (electrical till 13,5 KV, gas till 8 Bar)YesYes
Tubing installation (pneumatic and hydrailic)YesYes

Work habits

  • Control by weekly project management factors.
  • Weekly project report with client.
  • Final checklists to display all users’ needs at all levels of the client.
  • Fixed price.
  • Checklists have been prepared in accordance required standard and additional specifications (not disclosed) requirements